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At School

During Key Stage 2, the children will experience working with a variety of media including: mark-making using a range of pencils, charcoal, pastels, chalk and a variety of paints 3D work including clay, papier mache and other forms of model making. 

The children will be introduced to a wide range of artists and to their techniques which may include: Monet, Seurat, Mondrian, Dali, Picasso, Goldsworthy and Hepworth to name but a few! 

Art is delivered through the termly phase project learning which is driven by confidence, initiative and diversity.  A creative arts based project will be studied each year and is centred on a key enquiry question which is explored in different contexts and developing different skills towards a final creative outcome.  This enquiry is underpinned by the consideration of concepts which are applied to the different contexts and examples of creative arts explored.  

At Home

Why not start a sketchbook? You could start small…. maybe by sketching small objects.  Remember to look very closely and draw what you actually see (shape, patterns, line etc), not what you expect to see. Sketch everyday objects and views of the changing seasons through your window. You could also include water colour paintings if you have one of those small tins of block paints. You will be amazed how your artwork improves just by looking closely.

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SO24 9BS 

Tel: 01962 734361 

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SO24 9NB 

Tel: 01962 732801

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